Mistress Lola South Florida Premier Domme
Bringing Sensuality to BDSM!!
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There are several rules; conditions that you will abide to and there is certain information that you should be aware of ! This page contains these rules and information. Take this information seriously then we shall get on well and looking; forward to a long, fruitful relationship, ignore it and we shall not meet again.
No Sex:I am a Professional Dominatrix's, I am not a prostitute and will not entertain sexual intercourse. By all means beg and plead for it, that will certainly make Me laugh, but consider this, why on earth would I want a pathetic slave cock inside me?
Punctuality: Preparing Myself for the arrival of a slave takes a great deal of time and effort, I expect you arrive promptly at the agreed time. Poor punctuality will not be tolerated, delays are unavoidable on occasion however a phone call to advise Me of such is all that is required, I may then be able to rearrange My schedule to accommodate.
Cleanliness:I take a great deal of care and pride in My appearance, I expect and demand this of you also. It's enough to have to put up with the sight of a disgusting slave without having to smell it as well.

I have a life, I am not at your beck and call. My usual working hours are between 10 a.m and 10 p.m from Monday to Friday. In the first instance you will fit in to this schedule, at a later date I may be able to accommodate you outside of these times. Saturdays must be booked ahead of time, My work hours are from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Arranging a session:
I can be contacted by telephone and will often be able to offer you an appointment for the same day if required however I much prefer to be contacted with ample time to get Myself ready for Our session, so that I may prepare Myself for you. You may contact Me by email at [email protected]


On the morning of your visit I expect a telephone call confirming your appointment, you will then be given general directions. When you arrive at the specified location, you will telephone me and you will receive further instructions at that point.

Extended visits:
All day and out about town can be arranged, please contact Me to discuss this.

Medical Considerations:
It is very important that you inform me of any physical or mental illnesses or disabilities that may affect you during your audience with Me. The heat of a session can put a great deal of strain on a slaves body, a body for which I am responsible. I cannot be responsible for something that I don't know about.
The word red is your safe word, if in doubt ask - you are expected to use it if necessary. If all else fails, simply saying the phrase "safeword" will alert Me.
Applications to be my personal slave:
Don't ask to become my personal slave, I have a 24 hr slave and don't want or need another. As we get to know each other, it may arise that I require a service that you can supply so mention your skills and if I can find a use for them I will ask. I am taking Telephone Training slaves. ( see telephone training below )
The usual tribute for a session if $250.00 and up depending on session, each session is unique, a standard session will last for around an hour. Each additional hr is $200.00, Out Call sessions vary on location.Dinner Date sessions also available contact Me for rates. Rates for Traveling to other state or Countries you must contact me!  My rates can change without notice!!!
Telephone Training: You must call Me at this number 1-800-863-5478 follow directions by automated service, My member number is 02839784, you must enter this number to speak to Me when you are prompt to do so: to be able to receive your  telephone training. Telephone training is a pay per minute service!! I will not do any Phone training if you contact Me at the number listed below, This number is strictly to book appointments!! If you fail to follow this instructions, I will hang up on you!!
Contacting Me: I am the Dominant and you are the slave, I expect to be treated with the due respect that is fitting at all times, when talking to Me on the phone I demand the politeness and reverence relevant to your position. By e-mail, you will address me as Mistress at all times, be polite and concise without avoiding the issue. I also expect suitable discretion, I will do nothing to affect your outside life that is not agreed upon, you will do the same.
Other Questions:
Should you have any other questions or queries then contact me by email at mistresslola069 @ Aol.com and I will answer them as soon as is possible. or you can call Me At:
Note I Do Not Answer Private Numbers/Block Numbers/or Number unknown/ Get your shit together and call Me with a number that I call you back on !!!!
I will not do any Phone training if you contact Me at the number listed below, This number is strictly to book appointments!! If you fail to follow this instructions, I will hang up on you!!

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